Submission of Manuscripts

Instructions for Authors
The journal publishes original empirical, methodological and theoretical papers; case studies; conference reports; book reviews and essays.

Submission of Manuscripts. Manuscripts may be sent to the Eastern European Countryside Editorial Board, Department of Sociology of Rural Areas, Institute of Sociology, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń, Poland, email: Papers submitted for publication are entered into a double-blind peer review system and normally read by at least two assessors and one Editor. The Editors make the final decision.

Manuscript submissions are preferred in electronic form. The file should be prepared using MS Word and be clearly labelled with the author’s name and software program. Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has not been published elsewhere or been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher. In case of Polish authors there is posssible to submit the paper in native language (translated paper will be required before external review)

1. Manuscripts should normally be approximately 8,000 words in length (including Notes/Bibliography). Please note that overlong papers will be returned without review at the Editors’ discretion.
2. Research materials/commentariesmaking contemporary contributions to the EEC fields of interest will also be considered by the Editors but these should not be longer than 2,500 words.
3. Review essays: Discursive book review essays, situated within current debates. These will be commissioned and will normally be 5-6,000 words long. They will be peer reviewed and the guidelines set down below for articles should be followed for layout purposes.
4. Papers: All submitted work should be provided electronically (attached to an email preferably as a Word file) and typed in double-line spacing. Papers identified as appearing to be in an early draft form will be returned to authors and removed from the assessment process. EEC employs a peer review process where both authors and assessors are anonymous, authors should therefore ensure that their identities are not revealed in any way within their submitted articles and where this is not done authors will be asked to resubmit a version which conceals their identity.
5. Title page: The title of the article, the author’s name and address, email address, word length (to include abstract, text, notes, bibliography and appendices) and date of submission or when the paper was last updated should appear on a detachable flysheet and the title only should appear on the first page of the article. Where more than one author is involved the lead author, for contact purposes, should be clearly indicated.
6. Abstracts: An abstract of up to 300 words, giving a concise statement of the intention, results and conclusions of the paper should be attached to the article. Authors should also include 6-8 keywords (e.g. Keywords: Russia; earnings; economic reform; farm structure) placed in order of importance.
7. Numbering:The least number of figures should be used in page numbers, dates etc. (e.g. pp. 22-4; 105-6 and 1948-9). In text and tables, decimals should be expressed: 0.012, 1.01 etc.
9. Abbreviations: Full stops should follow abbreviations e.g. pp., p., ed. (but eds), vol. (but vols), no. (but nos), and full stops should not be used for Dr, Mr or in acronyms such as NATO or UN, or well-known abbreviations, BBC, USA, MP.
10. Quotation marks: Always single except for a quote within a quote: ‘Parliament “ought” to approve the legislation’, he said.
11. Tables and figures should appear on separate sheets with self-explanatory titles. The position in the text of each table and figure should be clearly indicated in the manuscript. They should be consecutively numbered using Roman numerals (Table I, Table II etc.) and tables should contain the minimal number of lines with no boxes.
An electronic version of all tables and figures must be submitted. Colour must be converted to greyscale, ensuring that any resulting tints of black are distinguishable from each other where this is important to the diagram. Please contact the Journal Office for further guidance.
12. Notes appearing in the text should be kept to a minimum. They should be consecutively numbered using superscripts and placed at the appropriate point in the text.